Spring is making an appearance this week! While it may not be here to stay, the sunshine is welcomed after a long year.
Though Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph remains in the Red Zone, we continue to service our clients through a combination of remote and in-office work. All board meetings and owner’s meetings are being held remotely (via teleconference or video conference) and will continue to be held this way for the forseeable future. We are hopeful that spring maintenance and major projects planned for this year will be able to move forwards without any delay. We continue to follow the recommendations from Public Health as well as the restrictions set by the Province of Ontario when it comes to amenities, projects, screening and gatherings.
Our office continues to be closed to walk-in traffic, but if you require an appointment for a pick up or drop off, please call Reception at 519-824-4208.
Happy (almost) spring!